One of the biggest costs associated with driving and owning a car is auto insurance. Car insurance exists to protect the finances and livelihood of drivers if they are involved in an accident. Serious injuries can force a person to take time off work, lose pay, and miss important life events. Some injuries are so bad that the victim is unable to ever return to life as they knew it before their car accident.
There are measures in place to help car accident victims recover lost finances and receive compensation to help them mend their broken lives. If a person doesn’t have car insurance, however, can they still receive compensation? Here, we’ll find out.
New Hampshire Car Insurance Laws
Laws regarding car insurance vary from state to state. Most states require drivers to carry specific limits of liability and coverage on their automobile. New Hampshire is unique in the fact that it does not require drivers to carry auto insurance. However, if they choose not to carry auto insurance, residents of New Hampshire are required to cover the cost of property damage and bodily injury for accidents they cause.
It is always in a driver’s best interest to purchase auto insurance – even if they don’t believe they will get into a car accident. If an individual chooses to purchase auto insurance in New Hampshire, they must get the minimum limits of liability which are:
- $25,000 in bodily injury coverage per person
- $50,000 in bodily injury coverage per accident
- $25,000 in property damage coverage per accident
- $1,000 in medical payments per accident
Paying an insurance premium for a policy with these limits works to ensure that drivers will not have to pay for property damage or medical expenses of an accident they caused out of their own pockets.
No Pay No Play States
Some states including Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, North Dakota, Alaska, California, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, and Oregon are considered “No Pay No Play” states. Meaning, if a person does not carry auto insurance, they are not eligible to receive compensation for injuries from a car accident.
Due to the nature of New Hampshire’s laws, individuals who choose not to carry auto insurance do not have to worry about such situations. The most notable risk involved in not carrying car insurance is being forced to find a way to pay for the damages you caused in a car accident out of your own pocket.
In New Hampshire, the minimum limits of liability are also designed to protect you if the person responsible for the accident wasn’t carrying insurance and doesn’t have the money upfront to cover your medical bills.
Reliable Car Accident Attorneys Near You
If you were recently involved in a car accident in New Hampshire, there’s no better time than now to reach out to a trusted attorney. Our attorneys, claims administrators, and paralegals have one focus in mind: getting you the best settlement possible so that you can return to the business of living your life. Call Patch & FitzGerald if you have been injured and let us fight for you and your family.
You don’t have to suffer because of someone else’s negligence. Call our office at 603-647-2600 or contact us online today for a free consultation.